Inland and coastal shipping.
Inland and coastal shipping
Inland and coastal shipping to the Port of Gothenburg is currently used primarily for energy and bulk liquid, although more products may be included in the future thanks to new rules.
The Port of Gothenburg is located at the very edge of the estuary of the Göta Älv river. Both Göta Älv and Lake Vänern, the biggest lake in Sweden, are subject to EU regulations on inland shipping. The rules allow more basic kinds of vessels to operate with lower crewing requirements, which can in turn help to reduce costs.
25% discount for inland shipping
To encourage increased inland shipping, the Port of Gothenburg has introduced a discount on the port charge. The discount applies to vessels that are classified in accordance with the Inland Waterway standard and operate in the Gothenburg–Vänern area. These vessels receive a generous 25% discount on the port dues.