Allberth - digital birth planning
The Allberth berth planning tool rests on two pillars: an internal one for personnel who plan berths at the Port of Gothenburg, and an external one for operators that call at the port. Allberth is a more comprehensive and powerful tool then the previous one. It provides those working on traffic coordination at Port Control, security coordinators at the Energy Port and production planners with a schematic view, like a traditional school timetable, in which you can see which vessels are moored at which berths. It also has a map service, in which you can select a time window for a specific berth based on a given selection of berths. You can then see which vessels are scheduled to be here at that particular time, and at certain berths you can also see the planned position alongside the berth.
Allberth gives us a berth planning tool providing operators at the port with a smarter, safer and more efficient call. It also brings major climate benefits, with reduced emissions from the vessels.
- Fredrik Rauer, Manager Port Control, project manager for Allberth.
Efficient port calls
Quick, correct information is the key nowadays to an efficient port call, and this applies for all key actors in a call. This is where Allberth’s other pillar plays a role. For the port’s external actors such as pilots, personnel at the Klippan mooring company and ship’s agents, who play a major role in the planning and execution of a port call, Allberth means that they have new access to quick, relevant status updates. This generates efficiency in terms of both time and money, and is also good for the environment, as planning becomes more accurate and predictable. The Allberth berth planning tool is a collaborative project between the Finnish company Awake.AI, which developed the digital service, and the Gothenburg Port Authority. This marks a first step in increasing transparency and visualisation around the process of a port call, an important piece of the jigsaw when it comes to digitalising the cargo hub and one of the focus areas for the Port of Gothenburg’s digitalisation journey.
Allberth and further digitalisation of the port call process have the potential to rationalise the port call process through better opportunities for resource utilisation and a more transparent information flow. Factors that represent an opportunity to save both time and emissions from bunker consumption.
A long-awaited solution
Allberth was launched in 2021 and is now fully operational. The first users of the new smart service were Port Control, which receives all calls to the Port of Gothenburg, and the security coordinators at the Energy Port.
“Allberth has been much-needed and requested for a long time now. Allberth gives us a berth planning tool that provides all operators at the port with a smarter, safer and significantly more efficient call. It also brings major climate benefits, with reduced emissions from the vessels,” says Fredrik Rauer, Manager Port Control and project manager for Allberth, Gothenburg Port Authority.

Fredrik Rauer
Manager Port Control
+46 31 368 76 10