Handling of bunkering and sludge in the Energy Port

Bunkering may be delivered in all jetties in the Energy Port in accordance with the Bunker Safety Checklist with a few exceptions. The exceptions are:

  • Jetty 551: No bunkering is allowed by a bunker barge with LOA greater than 90 m (vessels with LOA 90,5 are rounded down and are therefore allowed). Recommendations from the Port of Gothenburg are that bunker barges with LOA 60 m and less are to be used if possible. We also recommend that when bunker operations are performed on a vessel alongside jetty 551 that slow passage is requested from VTS Gothenburg.

    LOA restriction for bunker barge applies due to shallow water area (8,5 m depth) east of jetty 551 but also due to the turbulence that arises when larger vessels pass the jetty.

  • When bunkering of vessels handling products with low flashpoint (class 1-products), Part B2 of the Pre-Bunkering Checklist is to be followed and the bunker barge must have a valid certificate for allowing bunkering during low flashpoint.


LNG-bunkering is only allowed on jetties 510, 511, 519, 520, 521, 800 and 801 inside the Energy Port. The bunker barge must have presented an optimoor-study to the Port of Gothenburg for each specific jetty in order to be granted permission for the bunker operation.


Lightering (Ship to Ship) between two bunker barges are allowed on jetties 506-509 and/or 512-518 in the Energy Port. For permissions to perform lightering operations at anchor, the bunker barge must contact the Swedish Transport Agency.

Bunkering STS lightering checklist to be used, and when the operation is to be carried out at berth, sent to the harbour office, and confirmed by Port Officer before starting of lightering operation.

Stena Oil - Jetty 556

Due the condition of the jetty – no vessels are allowed to moor on the outside of another vessel (dubble-banking). Lightering or sludge disposal are only allowed between 556 B and 556 C or 556 A and 556 B. It is not allowed for the joints between two hoses to be placed on the jetty.


Delivery of sludge is allowed on all jetties in the Energy Port. Read more about sludge and waste her.

Permits and regulations

Here you can find documents that regulate activities in the area of the Port of Gothenburg.

Gothenburg Energy Port

Sweden’s biggest general energy port.